Lizzy Yates Photography: Little Rock Newborn , Child and Family Photographer » Little Rock Photographer Lizzy Yates {Newborn, Children, Seniors and Families}

Pity the Photographer’s Child {Arkansas Photographer}

As a photographer who is a mom people always say, “You must have so many great pictures of your kids!”

Well I do have a lot of pictures of my kids.  I have a lot that I love.  But, I also have a large number of pictures that look a lot like this one:My mom is a little rock photographerThat’s Tanner.  He’s six.  This is on Halloween, he is Batman and we are about to head out on a fun filled hayride….and he is SO OVER ME.

I could  put on full gallery shows featuring my family with the themes of:  Rolling Eyes, Dirty Looks, Ugly Faces, Backs Turned and Overall Annoyance.

Truthfully they all make me laugh because is just part of how our family rolls.  Pity the photographer’s child!

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L Y P   F a c e b o o k
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